
Mostrando entradas de abril 15, 2018

Nueva Información de Corey Goode sobre el Flash Solar.

NIKOLA TESLA Y EL ENIGMA DE LOS NÚMEROS 3, 6 Y 9 (EL CÓDIGO DE LA CREACIÓN) ¿Q Anon es la Inteligencia Militar? Divulgacion Total    The geometric dance of Earth & Venus over an 8-year period Nassim Haramein hace aproximadamente 3 años  ·  This short animation showing the dance between Earth & Venus over an 8-year period (adjusting the elliptical orbits to a circular frame of reference) helps to visualize the fundamental dynamics of the universe: fractal spin within spin...  "Buckminster Fuller explained to me once that because our world is constructed from geometric relations like the Golden Ratio or the Fibonacci Series, by thinking about geometry all the time, you could organize and harmonize your life with the structure of the world." - Einar Thorsteinn Animation & research by Helmut Warm: http://www.keplerstern.com The Re